Resources for Wellness and Mental Health
“Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community” [1]. College students face challenges and stressors that can impact their mental health. Unfortunately, many do not seek help or utilize the resources available to them when they are struggling with a problem. For some, it may be the stigma associated with mental health counseling. This stigma can limit students' opportunities for overall health and wellness, increase feelings of unhappiness, impair their ability to form or maintain healthy relationships, and contribute to feelings of shame causing unnecessary pain and confusion.
Knowledge is a powerful weapon against stigma. We want you to learn about mental health. Know that it is okay to seek help and there are many resources available for you. We have collected links to self-help materials that can assist you in understanding these challenges and what you can do to improve your sense of well-being.
To schedule an appointment with a counselor, contact us at 269-471-3470. If you have suggestions about resources we can include here, you can email us at and we’ll review them. This email account is not monitored by a mental health professional.
We'll be posting links to current research, blogs, videos, inspirational quotes and updates on prevention and wellness campus events on our Facebook page.
Internet Resources:
- Online Mental Health Screening: Anonymous and confidential screenings for depression, anxiety, eating disorders and alcohol abuse
- (in collaboration with Harvard Medical School): Covers topics on wellness, mental health and relationships
- Topics on Psychology and Mental Health by the American Psychological Association
- Healthy Lives by the American Psychiatric Association
- National Institute of Mental Health
- PsychCentral
- The Unabridged Student Counseling Virtual Pamphlet Collection
Check out these links for additional resources on mental health and wellness:
- Tips for a Healthy Academic Year (pdf)
- The Relaxation Room at the Counseling & Testing Center provides a space for students to develop and practice the relaxation skills that will enhance their academic productivity and their sense of well-being.
- Self-Help and Treatment Resources for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse: A list of self-help, education, treatment and referral options.
- Self-Help Books: Topics include assertiveness, anger, ADHD, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, developmental transitions, grief and loss, relationships, shyness, trauma, time management, procrastination, obsessive compulsive disorder, and drugs and alcohol, among others.
- Smartphone Applications: This is a link to a list of apps for iPads, iPhones and Android devices that can help individuals manage stress, track and improve their mood, enhance their sleep, and generate ideas for social connections. Other areas include women's health and suicide prevention. It is maintained by the University of Central Florida's Counseling Center.
- Self-Assessments: Questionnaire Center @ Authentic Happiness, the homepage of Dr. Martin Seligman, director of the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania. Some examples of inventories available in this site: Compassionate Love Scale, General Happiness Questionnaire, Gratitude Questionnaire, Grit Survey, VIA Signature Strength Questionnaire, Optimism Test, Close Relationship Questionnaire, Meaning in Life Questionnaire, and Satisfaction with Life Scale, among others. The site is free, but it requires that you register. Visit the site for more information.
Resources for Peers (Helping a Friend In Distress)
Additional Campus and Community Resources to Consider:
Campus Safety: 269-471-3321
University Student Intervention Team (USIT): 269-471-3321;
Dean for Student Life: 269-471-3215
Student Success Center: 269-471-6096
Campus Ministries: 269-471-3211;
University Medical Specialties: 269-473-2222
Berrien County Victim Assistance: 269-982-8640
Andrews University Sexual Misconduct Policy
Neighbor to Neighbor (Adventist Community Services): 269-471-7411
Riverwood Center’s 24 Hour Crisis Hotline: 800-336-0341
[1] World Health Organization. Mental health: Strengthening our purpose. Retrieved on July 10, 2012 from